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While winter is already in motion, it’s not too late to protect your home from the cold. Harsh, cold weather can be damaging to your home – and, if you’re not prepared, you could find yourself paying for it in the spring. So what do you do? Well, we have four great tips that will make your home ready for the winter.
Heater Tune-up
Your heater is vital when it comes to keeping your home warm – and the last thing you want is for it to break during the winter. If you haven’t already, contact your local HVAC company so they can service your system. This will ensure that your heater is running as efficiently as possible and can reduce the need for furnace repair later on.
Pipe Protection
Outside pipes, like garden hose faucets, are susceptible to freezing during the winter and should be insulated to prevent any pipe bursts. This can be done by purchasing pipe insulation or a foam faucet cover from your local hardware store.
Check Your Smoke Detectors
According to the American Red Cross, the majority of home fires occur during the months of December and January, typically in the kitchen or from an alternative heat source like a wood-burning stove. Because of this, it’s important to make sure all of your smoke detectors are working properly. This should be done throughout the year regardless. However, if you haven’t done it in a while, this is a great time to do it.
Seal Your Home
To keep your home warm during the winter, make sure you’re not letting warm air escape or cold are in. You can do this by caulking any holes or cracks inside and outside of your home. You can also check to see if the insulation in your attic is sufficient enough to prevent the cold from seeping into your house.
The winter can be rough, so making sure your home is tough enough to handle it is very important. The key to success is a well-running furnace, so if you’re in need of a tune-up or heater repair in Norman, be sure to contact the professionals at Norman Air for help!

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